Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


November 2023 Construction Updates

Two Wilmette Park District facilities will be receiving new HVAC units on Monday, November 20. Adjusted hours and closures will be in effect at Centennial Recreation Complex and the Community Recreation Center while work is completed. Please see below for specific closure information.

Community Recreation Center 

  • WHEN: Monday, November 20 from 7 am-1 pm
  • CLOSED TO PUBLIC: North Wing (including sports gym, auditorium, north restrooms & hallway)

The Community Recreation Center is scheduled to receive a new rooftop HVAC unit on November 20. The north wing and near-north parking lot will be closed while the crane is operating – this affects the sports gym, auditorium, north restrooms and hallway. Please note, the front desk/offices, Early Childhood Preschool, Wilmette Gymnastics, Center Fitness Club and activity rooms are not affected, and programs/services in these spaces will run as planned.

Centennial Recreation Complex 

  • WHEN: All day, Monday, November 20
  • CLOSED TO PUBLIC: Entire facility (including Centennial Ice Rinks, Wilmette Tennis Club, front desks and parking lot)

The Centennial Recreation Complex is scheduled to receive a new rooftop HVAC unit on November 20. Installation requires a helicopter, and the entire building & surrounding parking lot must be vacant during operation. Please note, the entire facility is closed for the day. If you need assistance, please call or visit the Community Recreation Center at 847-256-9686 or 3000 Glenview Rd.

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