Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25



Policies, Ordinances & Disclaimers


Definition of Residency/The Fair-Share Concept

Anyone living within the geographic boundaries of the Wilmette Park District is considered a resident. Outside of the Wilmette geographic boundaries, this privilege is also extended to Kindergarten through Grade 8 students living in the geographic boundaries of Wilmette Public Schools District 39 or Avoca School District 37. Parents of these children are not eligible for resident fees. Wilmette residents, via property taxes, make financial contributions to the operation of the park system. A “Fair-Share” policy has been adopted to apportion an equalizing user fee to our non-resident participants so they contribute to the overall financing of the park system on an equitable basis.

Cancellations, Refunds


  • The Wilmette Park District reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine classes, or change instructors. If insufficient enrollment causes a class to be canceled, notification will be given and full tuition refunded.

Session-Based Programming (more than one meeting date) & Summer Camps

  • Full refund earlier than 1 week prior to the start of a program (2 weeks for camps)
  • 20% cancelation fee if after 1 week prior to the start of a program (2 weeks for camps)
  • Prorated refund after the start of a program (minus 20% of original fee)

One-Day Programs, Events & SDOs

  • Full refund earlier than 2 weeks prior to the start of a program
  • No refunds after 2 weeks prior to the start of a program

Programs with Installment Billing (preschool, care, campus clubs, etc. – not summer camps)

  • No refund of previous payments, and all future payments will be canceled
    • Example: If a patron cancels on November 3, after the November 1st payment for that month of care, they will not receive any refund for the rest of November, and they will not make their December (or any future) payment

Financial Assistance

The Wilmette Park District recognizes there are Wilmette families who may suffer, at any time, from economic setbacks that might preclude their participation in Wilmette Park District programs. Through the generosity of our community, Ouilmette Foundation, and Memorial Tree Program, our Family Scholarship Fund allows us to offer assistance for children’s programs to Wilmette resident families experiencing temporary financial difficulties. To apply for assistance, please complete our Scholarship Application (button below) and email it to Michelle Parson at mparson@wilpark.org.

Individuals with Disabilities

The Wilmette Park District is committed to providing recreation in the most integrated setting possible. If you, a family member or friend has a disability and are interested in participating in or attending Wilmette Park District programs or activities, we will make reasonable accommodations to facilitate that opportunity. We urge you to contact us in advance of program participation to arrange accommodations. For information call (847) 256 6100. For the hearing impaired needing assistance, call (847) 256 6100.

Wilmette Park District is a partner with Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA). NSSRA offers recreation, sport, cultural and social programs and events available throughout the year, creating new experiences, opportunities for skill development, leisure time and perhaps most importantly, friendship.
CLICK HERE for more information about our Disability Services and NSSRA.

Written Communications and Correspondence from the Public

The Wilmette Park District welcomes communications from its residents in all formats. When the communication is via email, and the intent of the resident is to have the communication included in the materials for the next public meeting, please email publiccomment@wilpark.org. To download the full Policy for Written Communications and Correspondence from the Public, click here.

Behavior Policy

Also refer to the Conduct Ordinance, below

Statement of Purpose

The Wilmette Park District views responsible behavior as a goal which can be successfully attained by setting consistent limits through positive reinforcement.


A patron is defined as anyone using Park District facilities, programs, or parks. Patrons are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The Park District views disruptive and inappropriate behavior as a serious matter. Additional rules may be developed when deemed necessary by staff.

All patrons are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Show respect, follow program rules and take direction from staff.
  • Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
  • Refrain from threatening or causing bodily harm to self, other patrons, or staff.
  • Show respect for equipment, supplies, and facilities.
  • Not possess any weapons or controlled substances.
  • The consumption of alcohol is permitted only in approved facilities under specific guidelines existing at those facilities.


A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. Staff will periodically review rules with patrons during the program session. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution that is specific to each individual’s situation will be sought. The agency reserves the right to dismiss a patron whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others.

Reviewed by Committee : July 23, 2018

Approved : August 13, 2018


Conduct Ordinance

to download a copy of the Wilmette Park District’s Ordinance Regulating the Use of the Parks and Property Owned or Controlled by the Wilmette Park District.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of:

Ordinance 2022-0-29


Photo/Video Disclaimer

Photos and videos are periodically taken of participants/visitors at the Wilmette Park District’s parks and facilities. By registering, attending and/or participating in a program, activity or service offered by the Wilmette Park District you are authorizing the Wilmette Park District to take photos and videos of yourself and/or your child/ward during the activity. The photos and videos are for Wilmette Park District use only and may be used in marketing materials, the Wilmette Park District website, promotional videos, social media, and additional uses as the Park District deems necessary.

Social Media Disclaimer

Any views and comments expressed by Users on our official social media pages are those of the Users and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Wilmette Park District. Any User’s reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by the Park District. All site Users are personally responsible for the content of their posts, and the Park District are not responsible for the content of external online platforms. Users are expected to communicate in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner. This is not an appropriate portal for FOIA requests.


Social Media Posting Guidelines

Wilmette Park District welcomes you to our official social media pages. These sites are intended to provide information for those interested in Wilmette Park District and its related services. While comments and interaction with the page are encouraged, these are moderated online discussion sites and not a public forum. Visitors shall comply with the Wilmette Park District’s Social Media Posting Guidelines, as set forth below. Comments left on these pages will be monitored and removed if not in compliance with the Guidelines. Social media accounts are not to be used for promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to public office


The following are prohibited:

  • Obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit postings
  • Profane, violent, hateful, or racist language, including masked words (***), acronyms, and abbreviations
  • Personal attacks of any kind, insults, threats, or defamatory statements
  • Spam, advertising, solicitations, and fraudulent messages
  • Comments advocating illegal activity or posting material that violates copyrights or trademarks of third-parties
  • Links to outside websites/external URLs
  • Posts that otherwise violate any Wilmette Park District policies or any local, state, or federal law or the social media platform’s terms of use
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