Budget & Appropriations Hearing on January 13
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Budget & Appropriations Hearing on January 13
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Nuts & Bolts: December 2023

Nuts & Bolts:  December 2023 

Each day, our Parks and Planning team digs into a busy schedule of essential work across the Wilmette Park District’s parks and facilities. You may not catch all the exciting things–big and small–that our crews work hard to make happen, whether it’s horticultural and landscape work, seasonal maintenance, or property improvements. Nuts & Bolts is your behind-the-scenes overview of projects around the District.

Parks & Planning Department Updates


Refining the Hut
Just in time for the cooler months, the hard work is complete and we’re down to the finishing touches at the Wilmette Platform Tennis Club’s improved paddle hut. Club visitors can warm up and unwind after a vigorous match while watching one of our freshly mounted TVs. Crews also installed hooks in the wall to hang & display our selection of paddle racquets – we like to think of it as functional décor.

Crane vs. Copter
November was the month of dueling HVAC projects, and it was quite a show! Between the Community Recreation Center and Centennial Recreation Complex, a total of three rooftop units were replaced. A crane assisted with the installation above the Community Recreation Center’s auditorium, while Centennial’s two HVAC units required even greater heights and were installed with the assistance of a helicopter. View the video recap below!

In addition, our facility crew replaced a heat exchanger on one of Centennial’s other rooftop units.

The Hustle & Bustle Before Winter Arrives
With November’s weather being so fine, and Centennial Pools being drained, our Building crew took the opportunity to install a new liner in the Activity Pool. Liners last between eight and ten years, so the Activity Pool is set for the next decade!

Back at the Community Recreation Center, our Building crew “decked the hallways” with a fresh coat of paint and installed two water bottle filling stations in Wilmette Gymnastics. They also spread holiday cheer to Mallinckrodt, where the crew set up Santa’s Mailbox for letter-collecting last month. Mallinckrodt’s lift station was repaired with new pumps – this station pumps storm water from around the building into the detention area along Ridge Road.

As the Building crew was buttoning up our buildings, the Parks crew was dashing about from park to park, completing a number of preparations for the winter season:

  • Tree pruning to keep our trees healthy and ready for new growth
  • Spreading nutrient-rich biosolids in Hibbard Park, Community Playfields and Thornwood Park
  • Putting down protective turf blankets at Community Playfields

Finally, we’re excited to report that memorial tree plaque installation began in November following an eight-year hiatus. The Park Board approved the new memorial policy in 2018; however, crews were on hold until the landscape plans were available to guide tree plantings. To learn more about our tree memorials, click here.

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