Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Evanston and Wilmette, IL
Updated 1.16.25
In partnership with the Village of Wilmette and City of Evanston, Wilmette Park District is conducting a planning effort to explore a new trail connection between Sheridan Road (Wilmette) and the North Shore Channel Trail at Green Bay Road (Evanston).
Based on public feedback, trail concepts are available for public review and input (PDF Document Below)
Participate by reviewing the concepts and taking a 5-minute survey to help with planning for future trail connection!
*Survey closes 2/28/25
The North Shore Channel Trail is a beautiful off-street 6.7-mile trail from Chicago (North Francisco Ave. & Lawrence Ave.) to Evanston (North McCormick Ave. & Green Bay Rd.). Bicyclists, joggers, walkers and more visit this mostly-paved trail daily. The Evanston end of the trail leaves a one-and-a-half-mile gap to the northeast where existing bike lanes and trails run along Sheridan Road and the Wilmette Lakefront.
The Wilmette Park District applied for an Invest in Cook grant in March 2023 and received $40,000 towards a feasibility study to determine if the trails can be connected. The Park District, Village of Wilmette and City of Evanston will also provide resources for the study to surmise if such a trail is possible.
The Feasibility Study aims to:
For questions or concerns, please reach out to Parks Planner Alissa Paquette:
Application approved for $40,000 Invest in Cook grant
Inter-Governmental Agreement between Wilmette Park District, Village of Wilmette and City of Evanston approved by Cook County Transportation Committee
Cook County Transportation Committee submitted the signed Inter-Governmental Agreement.
Feasibility Study Commences!
Data collection begins.
Community Outreach Activities
Concept development begins.
Preliminary concept review with core stakeholders
Trail concept review and community survey
The following activities have been conducted to date:
A summary of results from June/August’s Community Engagement Survey is available to view under the Documents and Downloads section.
Trail Connection Concepts. Based on public feedback, trail concepts are available for public review and input.
Community survey. A new community survey was made available to receive feedback on trail connection concepts.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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