Wheeler Park Nature Play & Landscape Project
May 2024
October 2024
298 Catalpa Pl, Wilmette, IL 60091
About the Project
Wheeler Park Project Update
Wheeler Park’s update is complete! Work Included:
- Removing existing plant material and adding replacement plants.
- Removing some of the existing hills and sod for nature play area.
- Adding wood chips, sand and gravel to play area.
- Adding nature play items, nature benches and nature picnic tables.
- Replacing some tall ornamental grasses with shorter sod to improve visibility between the existing playground and new nature play area, for better supervision.
Wheeler Park History
Wheeler Park is located at the northwest corner of Oakwood Avenue and Catalpa Place. The quiet .3-acre park boasts a playground, tot lot, picnic area and small nature path.
Current plantings are in a state of decline and include deciduous trees, shrubs and perennials.
The Inception of the Project
Prior to summer 2023, Wilmette Park District landscape design and horticulture staff worked with Upland Design consultants to develop landscape plans for all Wilmette Park District parks.
In April 2024, while reviewing proposed plans for Wheeler Park’s landscape, the Board of Park Commissioners requested parks staff to incorporate additional play features. Pursuing this request, an initial Public Input Meeting was held on May 20, 2024 to share tentative plans and collect feedback from the community.
Ten neighbors attended the meeting and supported the proposed improvements to the landscape and play areas. Following the positive response, the changes were incorporated into the proposed Wheeler Park Landscape Plan, and the plan was approved by the Board of Park Commissioners in June 2024.
Planning Goal and Outcomes
The goal of the Wheeler Park Nature Play and Landscape Project is to refresh Wheeler Park’s useful life with native plantings and nature play elements – and to help connect children to nature.
The existing playground and tot lot will remain untouched, and new nature play elements will be incorporated to the east of the existing structures.
Documents and Downloads
Project Timeline
April 2024
Board of Park Commissioners requests the addition of nature play areas after reviewing proposed Landscape Plan at Regular Board Meeting.
May 2024
Parks staff develop proposed nature play improvements and host on-site Public Input Meeting to gather feedback from the community regarding proposed nature play and landscape plans.
June 2024
Revised Wheeler Park Landscape Plan incorporating nature play elements is approved.
September 2024
Work began on Wheeler Park nature play areas on September 17, 2024.
October 2024
The Wheeler Park Project is complete!
October 2024
The Wheeler Park Project is complete! The park’s landscape updates are done, and nature play areas have been installed.
September 2024
Parks staff began work on Wheeler Park nature play areas on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Work includes: - Removing existing plant material and adding replacement plants. - Removing some of the existing hills and sod for nature play area. - Adding wood chips, sand and gravel to play area. - Adding nature play items, nature benches and nature picnic tables. - Replacing some tall ornamental grasses with shorter sod to improve visibility between the existing playground and new nature play area, for better supervision. Project work is predicted to continue for the next four weeks.
June 2022
The Parks and Planning Department revised the Wheeler Park Landscape Plan according to recommendations made by the Board during the April 15, 2024 COW meeting and after a public meeting held on Monday May 20, 2024.
The changes made to the plan for Wheeler Park are below:
- The seed mix in the eastern part of the park was changed to quart-sized plants.
- The plantings on the hill just to the east of the playground were changed from perennials to turfgrass.
- One hill has been removed and another has been made smaller. This provides enough level space for the potential natural play areas.
- The proposed tree just to the east of the pergola was changed to a smaller species due to a drain grate nearby.
- Some proposed trees were moved (within proposed nature play area), and their species changed as needed to allow for the tentative natural play area. The number of proposed trees has not changed.
- A note was revised to recommend closing the existing fence opening near the southeast corner of the park, for safety.
Photos: Before
Photos: During and After
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