For details, check our Bulletin Board post, below.


For details, check our Bulletin Board post, below.



Wilmette Park District Board

Board of Park Commissioners

The Wilmette Park District Board of Park Commissioners oversees the administration of the Wilmette Park District. It is an independent board

elected by Wilmette residents in an April election for terms lasting four years. There is no term limit to Park Board positions. Our current Board members

are listed below, with the expiration of their terms noted.

Kara Kosloskus
Term Expires : 2025
Patrick Duffy
Vice President
Term Expires : 2025
Cecilia Clarke
Term Expires : 2027
Allison Frazier
Term Expires : 2025
Julia Goebel
Term Expires : 2027
Patrick Lahey
Term Expires : 2027
Michael Murdock
Term Expires : 2027
Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson
Wilmette Park District
Executive Director
  • The Board of Park Commissioners meets for their Regular Monthly Meeting on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall at 1200 Wilmette Avenue in Wilmette.
  • The Board also meets as a Committee-of-the-Whole (COW) on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Mallinckrodt Center, 1041A Ridge Road (side door), Wilmette.
  • Special meetings are scheduled as needed. Notice will be given in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act in the event of cancellation or change in date, time, or location of any meeting.
  • All meetings are open to the public.

  • For the 2023 meeting schedule, more information about viewing meetings and keeping up-to-date with Board matters, please follow the top link to our Board Meetings page.

The Wilmette Park District welcomes communications from its residents in all formats. If you choose to communicate via email, please send your comments to in advance of the meeting, and your message will be included in the next meeting’s agenda packet to be a part of the record. To read our Policy for Written Communications and Correspondence from the Public, click here.

Attend the Meetings
All Board meetings are open to the public. Each meeting’s agenda includes time for Recognition of Visitors, and you are welcome to share your thoughts during this time (read Rules for Public Comment here).


Watch Regular Monthly Board Meetings Live or Online
Only Regular Park Board Meetings are televised; live meetings are broadcast on Wilmette’s Channel 6, and can be viewed on TV or online.
Recordings of previous Regular Board Meetings are available through YouTube. See Watch Board Meetings at the top of this page for links.


Read Agenda Packets and Meeting Minutes
Follow Regular, COW, and Special Meeting happenings by reading agenda packets and minutes, which you can find here.


Subscribe to the Board Brief
The Board Brief e-newsletter is sent to email subscribers monthly. The Board Brief contains updates from all the Board meetings from the previous month. To sign up, enter your information into the Stay in the Loop box, below. To read previous issues of Board Brief, go to the library here

The Wilmette Park District’s Board of Park Commissioners meets for a Regular Monthly Park Board Meeting on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilmette Village Hall Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 1200 Wilmette Avenue in Wilmette.

2024 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Dates

* The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.

** SPECIAL Committee of the Whole Finance meetings at 6:30, immediately prior to the 7:30 Regular Board meeting, in the Wilmette Village Hall.

Special Meetings are scheduled as needed. Notice will be given in accordance with Paragraph 42.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act in the event of cancellation or change in date, time, or location of any meeting.

The Park Board changed its committee meeting structure in June 2022. In lieu of the previous structure-seven separate committee meetings each month-the entire Board of Park Commissioners now meets monthly as a Committee of the Whole (COW).

COW Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month in the Mallinckrodt Center, 1041A Ridge Rd. in Wilmette, unless otherwise noted.

2024 Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting Dates

*Denotes date change from regular meeting schedule

** Special Committee of the Whole Finance meetings at 6:30, immediately prior to the 7:30 Regular Board meeting – LOCATION: Wilmette Village Hall.

*** Special Committee of the Whole meeting – 2025 Operating Budget Discussion – 6:30-8:30 pm – LOCATION: 3220 Big Tree Lane, Wilmette.

**** Special Committee of the Whole meeting – Annual Budget Workshop – 6:30-8:30 pm – LOCATION: Mallinckrodt Center, 1041A Ridge Road, Wilmette.


Additional Special Meetings are scheduled as needed. Notice will be given in accordance with Paragraph 42.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act in the event of cancellation or change in date, time, or location of any meeting.



Connection and Communications

All Board meetings are open to the public. Each meeting’s agenda includes time for Recognition of Visitors, and you are welcome to share your thoughts during this time (read Policy for Public Comment here). If you prefer, you can email comments to in advance of the meeting, and your message will be included in the next meeting’s agenda packet to be a part of the record (read Policy for Written Communications and Correspondence from the Public here).


Watch Regular Monthly Board Meetings Live or Online

Only Regular Park Board Meetings are televised; live meetings are broadcast on Wilmette’s Channel 6, and can be viewed on TV or online.

  • Go here to link to a live Regular Board meeting
  • Go here for recordings of previous Regular Board Meetings on YouTube (scroll down to Wilmette Park District).

Agenda Packets and Meeting Minutes

Follow Regular, COW, and Special Meeting happenings by reading agenda packets and minutes, which you can find here.


Board Brief E-Newsletter

The Board Brief e-newsletter is sent to email subscribers monthly. The Board Brief contains updates from all the Board meetings from the previous month. To sign up, enter your information into the “Stay in the Loop” box, below. To read previous issues of Board Brief, go to the archives here

Watch the Wilmette Park District Regular Park Board Meetings

Watch the LIVE Meeting

Regular Park Board Meeting

Past Meeting Recordings

Regular Park Board meeting recordings

from July 12, 2021

(scroll down to “Wilmette Park District”)

Regular Park Board meeting recordings

before July 2021

Village of Wilmette YouTube Page

sticky-note  PLEASE NOTE :

We only televise Regular Park Board Meetings. Committee of the Whole and other special meeting minutes are posted on the website, and can be found here
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