Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25



2025 Consolidated Election

Election Information

The Consolidated Election will be held Tuesday, April 1, 2025. At the Consolidated Election, Wilmette Park District will have three Park Commissioner offices (4-year term) on the ballot. The following persons filed nominating petitions for candidacy for these offices:

Park Commissioner (4-Year Term)
– Vote for 3; Candidates listed in order on ballot

  • Patrick Duffy
  • Allison Frazier
  • Kara Kosloskus
  • Anastasia Royal
  • Nancy Johnson
  • Paul McKinley

Key Voting Deadlines

  • March 4: In-Person voter registration deadline 
  • March 16:  Online voter registration deadline 
  • March 17 – March 31: Early voting (can register onsite)  
  • March 27: Last day to request a mail ballot 
  • April 1: Mail ballot return deadline and Election Day

Your Voter Information

The Cook County Clerk’s Office provides an online voter information tool to check your registration status, polling place, elected officials and more.


Register to Vote

Complete online voter registration on the State Board of Elections website

In order to register or change your voter registration at Village Hall, please note that Village employees will be assisting you using the online tool noted above, which requires entering the following information:

  • Your Illinois Driver’s License or Illinois State ID number.
  • Date the license or ID was issued.
  • The last four digits of your social security number.
  • Your birth date.

If you do not have a driver’s license, State ID card or social security number, you can obtain a manual registration form and you must mail with this application, either (i) a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or (ii) a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter. If you do not provide the information required above, then you will be required to provide election officials with either (i) or (ii) described above the first time you vote in person or prior to voting by mail.

Early registration is closed by Cook County law 30 days before an election and for five days after an election.

On Election Day, voters who are not registered to vote can register and vote at their home precinct only. Any voter who is not registered and needs to know where to go to register and vote on Election Day can utilize the Clerk’s online Your Voter Information Tool to find their proper polling place by address or birthday. Voters planning on registering to vote or updating their address on Election Day must bring two pieces of identification to register, one with a current address.

Ways to Vote

Vote by Mail

Any registered suburban Cook County voter may request a mail ballot online. Once the County verifies your registration and processes your application, they will send a paper ballot to the mailing address you designate in your application. The deadline to apply is five days before an election. A list of mail ballot secure drop box locations is available online.  The County has issued this FAQ about voting by mail.

Early Voting

Early voting is open to all registered voters whether or not you will be out of town on Election Day. You may early vote at any Cook County early voting site. Check the Cook County Clerk’s website for early voting locations.

Election Day Voting

Registered suburban Cook County voters can only vote in their home precinct on Election Day. Residents who are not registered to vote may register and cast a ballot on Election Day. Those who wish to register on Election Day must present two qualifying forms of ID. Registered and unregistered Cook County residents can find their assigned polling place with the Your Voter Information tool.  

College Student Voting

Check the Campus Voter Project to view options for voting.


Results and Election Data

The Cook County Clerk’s office archives election results, turnout, registration statistics and more on its webpage going back to 1998.

Candidate Information

The Illinois State Board of Elections has prepared the Candidate’s Guide for 2025, to provide information for candidates seeking public office. It provides information on the proper completion and filing of nomination papers and lists the qualifications required for candidates seeking specific offices. The Candidate’s Guide for 2025 is available through the Illinois State Board of Elections in Chicago by calling 312-814-6440 or through the agency’s website www.elections.il.gov.  

Legal information contained on this notice is not binding. The Village of Wilmette recommends that all prospective candidates consult with legal counsel when preparing nomination papers. Please note: Village staff cannot advise individuals on running for office.   


Running for Office

The Wilmette Park District Board of Park Commissioners oversees the administration of the Wilmette Park District. It is an independent board elected by Wilmette residents in an April election for terms lasting four years. There is no term limit to Park Board positions.

Three seats of the seven-member Wilmette Park Board will be filled at the April 1, 2025 consolidated election. An individual interested in running for office must be a registered voter and a Wilmette Park District resident for at least one year prior to the election. Park Board positions are unpaid. Candidate materials are available on Illinois State Board of Elections website.

Nominating petitions may be circulated beginning Tuesday, August 20, 2024. There is a minimum number of registered voters’ signatures required in order to be placed on the ballot. The filing period for the April election will be Tuesday, November 12, 2024 through Monday, November 18, 2024 at the Wilmette Park District Administration Office. Regular office hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. The office will remain open until 5:00 pm on Monday, November 18, the last day of the filing period. No petitioner packets will be accepted before or after the stated dates and times. The Wilmette Park District staff cannot provide any election or legal advice for any petitioners. Petitioners are encouraged to contact the Cook County Clerk’s Office.

All candidates should refer to the 2025 Candidate’s Guide, published by the Illinois State Board of Elections, which is included in the candidate package and can be found at the following link: Running For Office Menu


Please Note: The Wilmette Park District provides elections information for potential candidates for the office of Park Commissioner only as a convenience and public service. All efforts are made to ensure that information is accurate and current. However, users should not consider this information as an official or authoritative source, and candidates are themselves primarily responsible for compliance with the Illinois Election Code. Candidates are advised to independently verify information received, which should in no way be construed as legal advice, and should contact an attorney or election officials with the State or County if they require legal assistance or advice.

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