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Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25



Community Gardens

Welcome to the Community Gardens! The Wilmette Park District offers community garden plots in two locations:

Centennial Park

Adjacent to the Centennial Recreation Complex near the intersection of Old Glenview and Hibbard Roads. There are 69 plots at Centennial Park. View on map

West Park

Located at 3555 Lake Avenue. There are 85 plots at West Park. View on Map

  • All plots are 10 feet by 20 feet. They are available to Wilmette residents and non-residents. Contracts run March 1 to December 31. There is a fee per plot. The fee for a Wilmette resident is $40. The non-resident fee is $70.
  • Returning gardeners have first priority to renew their contracts, so each year a limited number of plots are available. If plots are not available, a gardener can be put on the waitlist. The waitlist is handled chronologically. Gardeners will be contacted by phone if an opening becomes available.
  • Gardeners are responsible for the maintenance of their garden plot. This includes soil preparation and any changes to the soil. Gardening tools are not provided. Water is supplied.
  • Gardens will be checked periodically for maintenance. If a garden appears to need attention, gardeners will be notified by phone and mail.
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