Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
The Wilmette Park District is an autonomous governmental agency, responsible directly to the people through the election and referendum process. The District receives its operating authority from the Illinois Park District Code, (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 105, Sections 1 – 13). Through the Code, the Park District is empowered to levy taxes within specified limits, acquire and develop parks, build and operate recreation facilities and conduct recreation programs.
The Wilmette Park District is a special district of local government with its own financial and legal responsibilities, established in 1908 for the purpose of providing park and recreational opportunities to residents of the community and public at large. It is governed by seven elected Park Commissioners of Wilmette, who serve a four-year term without remuneration. Regular Board meetings are generally held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Please check with the main office for particulars (847) 256-6100.
Margaret Resnick, Interim Executive Director
Michelle Parson, Executive Administrative Assistant
FOIA Request Form
FOIA Notice of Appeal
Notice of Extension of Time
Agreement to Extend Time Limits for FOIA Response
FOIA Notice of Intent to Deny Request for Records
FOIA Denial or Partial Denial of Request for Records
Changes to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) took place on January 1, 2010, in an effort to provide Illinois residents with a more open and accountable government.Â
The Illinois Attorney General’s Office has prepared a document addressing Frequently Asked Questions by the Public which can be downloaded by Clicking here
If a record does not meet all three of those requirements, then it is not a public record. “Documentary materials” includes all records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials. (5 ILCS 140/25)
The exemptions to FOIA have been greatly revised and as a result a careful analysis should be performed if the Park District is going to deny a records request based upon an exemption since the burden of proof is on the Park District. (5 ILCS 140/3.1)
Special procedures apply for commercial requests. A commercial request is one in which the requester seeks to use all or part of the record for the sale, resale or solicitation or advertisement for services. It is a violation of FOIA to falsely state that a commercial request is not a commercial request.
Requests made by news media, non-profit organizations, scientific organizations or academic organizations are not commercial requests if they are made for the purposes of journalism, research or similar purposes (5 ILCS 140/2).
The Wilmette Park District is a special district of local government with its own financial and legal responsibilities, established in 1908 for the purpose of providing park and recreational opportunities to residents of the Wilmette community and public at large. It is governed by seven elected Park Commissioners, who serve four-year terms.Â
The Wilmette Park District is an autonomous governmental agency, responsible directly to the people through the election and referendum process. The District receives its operating authority from the Illinois Park District Code, (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 105, Sections 1 – 13). Through the Code, the Park District is empowered to levy taxes within specified limits, acquire and develop parks, build and operate recreation facilities, and conduct recreation programs.
The Park Board is made up of seven (7) elected commissioners who serve four (4) year terms. It is the responsibility of the Park Board to acquire, develop, maintain and protect park and recreation areas in Wilmette. This is accomplished by the development of policies and ordinances which govern the operation of the Park District and by the adoption of an operating budget. The Park Board meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilmette Village Administration Building, 1200 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, and the Board meets as a Committee of the Whole on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Mallinckrodt Center, 1041A Ridge Road, Wilmette. The Park Board employs an Executive Director to carry out the policies of the Board.
The Park District employs approximately 70 full-time employees, and an estimated 425 part-time staff and 700 seasonal staff. Full-time employees are those working 40 hours per week year-round in a position designated as Full-Time by the Board of Park Commissioners. Click here to download a PDF of the Park District’s organization chart.
3551 Lake Avenue
(847) 920-3678
Requests to waive any fee(s) for reproduction of document(s) must be made in writing to a FOIA Officer of the Park District and must state how the information requested “primarily benefits the general public”. The FOIA Officer shall be authorized to determine whether such request for a waiver shall be honored.
Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan
100 West Randolph, 12th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
If it is necessary to extend the time limit for production of records, the requester will be notified in writing by the FOIA Officer or his or her designee within five (5) business days of receipt of the request and such notice will give the reason for the extension. Failure to respond to the request within five (5) business days is considered a denial of the request.
A copy of each such denial letter and the completed request form should be sent to the Executive Director or Park District President and the Park District Attorney. Copies of all notices of denial will be retained by the FOIA Officer, or his or her designee, in a central file that is publicly accessible and indexed by type of exemption.
Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan
100 West Randolph, 12th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
The Illinois Public Access Counselor will respond to such appeal and issue a binding opinion within 60 days after the request for review (appeal) unless a request for extension of 21 business days is given by the PAC. The PAC’s binding opinion must make findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall be issued to the requester and public body. The PAC’s binding opinion is subject to administrative review by either party.
I. Ordinances
III.Board Minutes
Including recordings of selected meetings
IV.Board Meeting Packets
Including Agenda
V. Board & Committee Meeting Notices
VI. Committee Meeting Packets & Minutes
VII.Board Meeting Packets
Including references to available staff reports
IX.Financial Records
X Correspondence
XI. Memoranda
XIV. Planning Documents
XIV. Capital Projects Documents
XV. Payroll Records
XVI.Accounting Records
XIV.Board Policy Manual
XX.Election Information
XXI.Insurance Documents
XXII.Completed Litigation
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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