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Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25



Open Gym

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Open Gym!

Open Gym at Wilmette Gymnastics is your gymnast’s chance to refine skills and have free play time on all Olympic gymnastics events, and the trampolines. One parent must accompany the child; registration is per child. Adults who wish to participate can pay the daily fee and enjoy Open Gym too.

Open Gym Daily Fees

 General Participants
(for participants not currently enrolled in a Wilmette Gymnastics program)
 Wilmette Gymnastics Participants
(for participants currently enrolled in a Wilmette Gymnastics program)
Resident$16 $12
Non-Resident$19 $15

Open Gym Schedule:

Sundays, 1/12/25-6/1/25*

* No Open Gym times: TBD

  • 1-2:15 pm
  • Age 6 and up (with an adult)
  • REGISTER ONLINE – Registration opens on Saturday at 1 pm for Sunday Open Gym

Open Gym Registration

ONLINE option!*

Register online as early as 24 hours before the Open Gym session of your choice, then present your receipt at the front desk to receive a wristband! Parents do NOT need to register online, but there must a parent in the gym to supervise. Open Gym is first come, first served; session capacity is limited to 80 participants.

*You are still able to register in person if you choose, at the Community Recreation Center front desk. Credit card preferred; exact change accepted!

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