Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25


Wilmette Park District Sustainability Plan Rolling Along

Wilmette Park District Sustainability Plan Rolling Along

11/9/23 – This summer, the Wilmette Park District launched its sustainability initiative under the guidance of the Sustainability Steering Committee and Lucy Mellen, sustainability coordinator for both the Wilmette Park District and the Village of Wilmette.

The plan, expected to be finalized in early-to-mid 2024, will outline practices to strengthen the Park District’s existing sustainability policies and provide a roadmap for achieving even greater sustainability goals in coming years.

Since its launch, the Park District’s Sustainability Steering Committee released two surveys, which received over 1,000 responses combined. The committee has also hosted five table talks throughout the Wilmette community to provide patrons an opportunity to engage with the Sustainability Steering Committee in person.

“The response from our community has been tremendous,” said Mellen. “We are so lucky to have residents and staff who want to engage in sustainability planning and learn more about what we are considering.”

Mellen explained the Committee is focused on recommending strategies and action items to make impacts in the following five areas:

  • Land
  • Energy and Emissions
  • Waste
  • Park District Operations
  • Education

For more information on the Sustainability Plan and how to be a part of planning for the future, visit our Project Page.

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