Waitlist FAQ
About the Waitlist
What is the Waitlist and how does it work?
The Waitlist is a feature of the Registration Site that allows patrons to save a spot “in line” should a registered participant withdraw from the program and an enrollment spot become available. Waitlist patrons are served in the order in which they join as enrollment spots become available.
Once a spot becomes available our system notifies the next patron on the Waitlist with an enrollment offer. When the offer is accepted and registration has been processed, the patron will be moved off the Waitlist and into the program enrollment. Everyone remaining on the Waitlist will move up one spot “in line”.
If the enrollment offer is rejected or the window for the enrollment offer expires, that patron will be removed from the Waitlist, and the opening will be offered to the next patron on the list.
Where can I view my Pending Enrollments?
View your enrollment offers and any Waitlists you are actively on under the Pending Enrollments Page on the Registration Site. Here’s where to find it:
- Log into your household account
- Click the down arrow under your profile
- Look under My Account and select Pending Enrollments
- Here, you can also see your Waitlist position number for all classes
How do I know when I have an Enrollment Offer?
When you’re next in line to enroll and a spot opens in your selected program, we’ll send a series of automated emails (or phone calls for certain programs) with your enrollment offer and a direct link to complete your registration. The email notification schedule includes:
- 48-Hour enrollment offer
- 24-Hour enrollment offer
- Expired offer notification
We don’t mean to clutter your inbox – if you act promptly to either accept or reject your offer, any remaining notifications will not be sent.
PLEASE NOTE, Enrollment offer emails are sent from an @rectrac.com address. These are legitimate emails from our system.
Responding to an Enrollment Offer
How long do I have to respond to my Enrollment Offer?
We provide a courtesy 48-hour enrollment offer window for you to accept and complete your registration.
Why do I see two items in my Shopping Cart at the checkout?
When you accept your offer and add the enrollment to your shopping cart, you will see two items displayed at checkout:
- The “Enrolled” section for your selected program
- The “Enrollment Offered” section with an associated fee of $0.00
Make sure to process both items at checkout as they function to transition you out of the Waitlist and into the program enrollment.
What happens if I miss my Enrollment Offer?
If your enrollment window expires without you taking action to accept or reject your offer, you will receive one final notification that your offer has expired. You will be automatically removed from that program Waitlist, and the available spot will be offered to the next patron on the list.
Should you change your mind and wish to enroll after your offer expires, you will need to rejoin the Waitlist, and you will be added to the end of the list.
What if I don’t want to accept the Enrollment Offer?
If you changed your mind and no longer wish to enroll, you can reject your enrollment offer by following the link in your notification or visiting the Pending Enrollments Page.
We greatly appreciate your prompt action should you choose to reject the offer. It will allow us to immediately offer the open spot to the next patron on the Waitlist. Be a good neighbor and pass it along!
I lost the email; how do I complete my enrollment?
No worries if you lost track of the offer email! You can access your active enrollment offers from the Enrollments Page on the Registration Site. Here’s where to find it:
- Log into your household account
- Click the down arrow under your profile
- Look under My Account and select Pending Enrollments
- Here, you can also see your Waitlist position number for all classes
Phone calls and who to contact
Why do I get phone calls for certain Waitlists?
We are still manually managing Waitlists in some instances. This could be due to staffing changes or skill progressions throughout a session. We’ll provide you with a similar enrollment offer window and multiple phone notifications when it’s your turn to transition off the Waitlist.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
You can contact our office at (847) 256-6100 for assistance during business hours.
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