Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Unless previously notified, all programs and classes are running as regularly scheduled today. Monday, 2/17/25
Kathy Chuckas
Recreation Supervisor
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Spring & Summer Adult Leagues and Fall Youth Soccer Leagues are part of Spring+Summer Registration!
Click Here to view Sports Camps!
Registration: Now – March 15
Wilmette Baseball Association Introduction to Baseball League is focused on learning FUNdamentals of baseball. Objectives are to improve basic skills (throwing, catching, batting and base running) and to develop an atmosphere of fun while learning the game. Each team will have 6 games with one of them being at Roemer Park.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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